February 9 is National Toothache Day. Like you, we’re a bit confused. Why is there a National Toothache Day? How does one celebrate National Toothache Day?
Although there’s not much information about National Toothache Day—or why there’s a national day dedicated to toothaches—there are a few “theories”.
For example, February 9 is also The Feast of St. Apollonia.
Apollonia died in 249 A.D. She is known as the Patron of Dental Disease, a moniker she rightly earned after having all her teeth knocked out by a Christian persecutor.
Another theory is February 9, 1894 is the day the Hershey Corporation was founded. Chocolate = sugar = bacteria = plaque. You get the equation.
Whatever the origin, we suggest that instead of knocking out all your teeth or eating a bag of chocolate, focus on good oral hygiene. Simple steps include: regular flossing and brushing. Plus, don’t forget your dental checkups.
Together, let’s work on making every day a Toothache Free Day!