Tag: procedures

Why Whiten?

Teeth whitening makes a difference

A bright, dazzling smile can do wonders for your attitude and confidence, but many of us don’t have perfectly pearly whites without a little help. Fortunately, Meyer & Johns can provide all the right ways to help your smile stand out.

Why Aren’t My Teeth Whiter?

There are many reasons why your teeth may not be as bright as you’d like, but the most common causes are external. Contributors to less-than-bright smiles include:

  • Food and Drink – Some foods (most notably red wine, coffee, and tea) can stain your teeth because of their intense pigmentation.
  • Tobacco – Both tar and nicotine can take a toll on your enamel.
  • Aging – As your enamel becomes thinner with time, the dentin, yellower than enamel, begins to show through.
  • Injury – Teeth that have been injured may darken in response to trauma.

Whitening Options

There are essentially three options for tooth whitening:

  • Whitening Toothpastes – Pastes can sometimes improve teeth by a shade, but are generally better for maintenance than for achieving new results.
  • Over-the-Counter Whitening Products – These use the same peroxide-based whitening agents that are used in dental offices, but at lower concentrations, and lower efficacy. They generally require several applications over a week or more to make a noticeable difference.
  • In-Office Whitening Products – Specially activated, professionally applied whitening compounds can really make a difference in your teeth after even just a single treatment. Hands-down the surest way to whiten your smile.

Other Options

In some cases, veneers or composite bonding may be a more suitable option, depending on your unique case. For example, bleaching won’t change the color of any fillings you may have, which could lead to uneven tooth coloration.

Whatever your situation, the best first step toward the unstoppable confidence of a brilliant smile is to come talk to Meyer & Johns. We’d be happy to take a look at your teeth and work with you to discover an individualized approach to achieve your best possible results.

Cosmetic Procedures

Cosmetic procedures can make your smile brilliant.The quality of your smile can make an incredible difference in how you look as well as how you feel—a great smile provides as much confidence as it projects. At Meyer and Johns, we’re ready to help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of. If you’re interested in any of our cosmetic dentistry services, or if you have any other questions or concerns, please call us at (417) 881-6000 or schedule an appointment today.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Let’s start with the basics: If you have to have a filling, let’s make it match your teeth. Instead of teeth-darkening metallic fillings, here at Meyer & Johns we use a composite custom-matched to your teeth to keep your teeth healthy and restore your smile.

Crowns & Bridges

When a tooth is far enough gone, a crown is often the best solution for restoring it to a natural appearance and function. Whether due to a root canal, to repair decay, or sometimes to address significant discoloration and staining, crowns are long-term solutions.

Bridges are custom-made to fill holes left by missing teeth, restoring teeth to a natural contour and often correcting bite issues that can occur between top and bottom teeth. And since they look and function just like (or even better than) your own natural teeth, they look great too.

Teeth Whitening

A few shades whiter can make a tremendous difference. Professional whitening is effective, safe, and can last for years. We’d be happy to discuss options with you at your next appointment.

Contouring Teeth and Reshaping Teeth

One of the least invasive changes you can make to your smile, other than whitening, is minor contouring and reshaping of your natural teeth. These techniques can often correct crooked, chipped, or misshapen teeth, and can really make a big difference.

Composite Bonding

We would be pleased to work with you, reshaping teeth, filling gaps, or simply improving the color of your teeth for the long term. With composite bonding, we can apply an enamel-like material directly to the surface of your teeth, sculpting, hardening, and polishing it to improve your smile’s beauty.

Dental Veneers

If your teeth are worn, cracked, chipped, or perhaps just discolored, veneers may be the right option for you. Veneers are made from porcelain or composite, and are directly bonded to your teeth, providing a smooth, white polish for your smile. Although a small amount of enamel is removed in the process, veneers typically last a very long time, providing your smile dazzle for many years to come.

The Truth About Root Canals

3d renderings of endodontics - root canal procedure

The dreaded root canal.

The truth is, although the procedure generally takes a bit longer than a standard filling, they aren’t that bad, and are far better than the alternative: losing the tooth entirely.

Why Would I Need a Root Canal?

When the pulp of a tooth—the nerves, blood vessels, and other soft tissue at the center of your teeth—becomes infected, that infection must be removed to prevent it from spreading to the jaw, and potentially other teeth. Infections usually reach this area through injury or deep cavities.

Before root canal procedures became common, removing infection meant removing the infected tooth entirely.

But by carefully removing the pulp and replacing it with a hard, permanent filler, your dentist can save infected teeth and fit them with a crown. After a root canal, treated teeth can last decades, or even a lifetime, if properly cared for.

We try to do everything we can to maintain your healthy, natural teeth whenever possible, and although there are alternatives to root canals, all of them begin with extracting the infected tooth, and that’s not any fun either.

How Can I Avoid Root Canals?

Of course, the best way to avoid the necessity of this kind of restorative work is to maintain good dental hygiene: brush & floss daily, and see the dentist twice each year.

If, however, you’ve noticed swelling in the gums or cheek around a tooth, have developed a sudden sensitivity to heat or cold, or are experiencing tooth pain (while chewing or otherwise), it’s best to let us have a look. We’ll investigate and advise you on the best course of action to take for you and your mouth.

Addressing Dental Fear and Anxiety

For some people, routine dental checkups are far from “routine”, but instead something that cause fear and anxiety.

Dental phobia is not something to be ashamed of, but it’s also something that should be addressed. Dental checkups are too important to avoid. Proper oral hygiene and routine exams are vital steps to overall health and wellness.

If you suffer from fear or anxiety associated with going to the dentist, the first step is to talk to your dentist. Don’t be embarrassed; you’re not alone.

“Fear and anxiety of going to the dentist is so common we deal with it every day,” said Dr. Johns.

Identify your symptoms so we can help. Do you:

  • Have trouble sleeping the night before your appointment?
  • Feel extremely uneasy, nervous or physically ill?
  • Avoid going to the dentist for years?
  • Feel embarrassed by your teeth or your fear/anxiety?
  • Fear the procedures will hurt?
  • Have trouble breathing through your nose?

“Dentistry has come a long way with technology that makes dental visits quicker and easier,” said Dr. Meyer. “Fearful patients should schedule a consultation to discuss their fears and past experiences so we can address the patient’s concerns and fears before any treatment is started.”

For some patients, nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and a mild sedative may be needed to make the treatment visits much more pleasant.

At Meyer & Johns Dental, we want to do everything we can to make our patients feel welcome, comfortable and confident. If you are concerned about your oral health or seeing a dentist, please schedule a consultation, today. We’re here to listen and help.