Tag: nutrition

Can extra body weight lead to gum disease?

High blood sugar from diabetes harms teeth
Elevated blood sugar is NOT OK for your teeth!

Heart disease, joint problems, lack of energy – We hear a lot about the consequences from being overweight and inactive. Diabetes gets most of the attention, since the number of diabetic Americans has ballooned to 30 million in recent years. That’s nearly 10 percent of the population, according to the Centers for Disease Control’s National Diabetes Statistics Report for 2017. That number represents a 400 percent increase in the disease prevalence in just the last 20 years.

Diabetes and your mouth

And now new research is showing that diabetes can also contribute to periodontal (gum) disease.  As reported in the journal Science Daily this month, a new University of Pennsylvania study found that diabetes causes changes in the oral microbiome, or the microscopic environment of the mouth and upper throat. The elevated glucose (blood sugar) levels common in diabetics also lead to glycemic imbalance inside the mouth. That disruption creates favorable conditions for gum inflammation, leading to infection (periodontitis), and enhanced risk of bone loss from the disease.

The study clinically affirmed a previously ignored link between diabetes and periodontal disease. However, the researchers noted that the risk to diabetic individuals is greatly reduced with effective glycemic control, either through diet and exercise, or supplemental insulin treatments. Also, the team specifically called out good oral hygiene as a tool to further reduce individual risk.

Effective Gum Care

As mentioned in our blog post from last year, gum health is a critical component of good overall oral health. Gingivitis – inflammation of the gums – is caused by a buildup of bacteria found in plaque, and can lead to periodontitis. The good news is that gum disease is preventable with regular check-ups, professional cleanings and good oral hygiene at home. This includes brushing and flossing daily, and telling your Meyer & Johns dental professional if you have any pain or bleeding in your gums.

If you experience these symptoms, let us know when you make your next appointment. We’ll make sure you’re armed with everything you need to make healthy choices for both your body and your mouth.

Oral Cancer: Hidden causes and prevention

Most people don’t think much about oral cancer, but we do. Consider this – 50,000 Americans will be diagnosed this year with cancer of the oral cavity or pharynx, and one in five of those people will die from it, according to the Oral Cancer Foundation. That’s why every time we look into your mouth, we’re watching for signs of cancer, just to be sure you stay healthy.

And during every regular checkup/exam/cleaning at Meyer & Johns Dental, we specifically conduct an oral cancer screening. It’s that important.

Oral cancer screenings save lives
  Regular dental screenings can spot signs of oral cancer before they surface.

How Can You Tell?

Oral cancer generally presents itself in obvious and painful ways; sores or growths in your mouth that don’t heal after two weeks, lumps or swollen lymph nodes under you jaw or in your neck, unexplained numbness or bleeding in your mouth, difficulty or discomfort swallowing, or changes in how your bite feels.

Monthly self-exams can help identify problems early. Regularly look at the inside of your mouth, and feel your cheeks and neck for lumps or painful swelling. If you find something unusual or uncomfortable, visit us right away or contact your physician.

Oral Cancer’s Risk Factors

The risk is higher in men than in women, and increases significantly after age 40, but it can appear in anyone. Many factors can heighten your risk of developing oral cancer, including:

·      Tobacco use (either inhaled or smokeless)

·      Heavy alcohol consumption

·      A diet low in fruit and vegetables

·      HPV (Human papilloma virus) infection

·      Excessive sun exposure (particularly as a child)

The Good News

You can mitigate your risk by eliminating tobacco use, drinking only in moderation, eating balanced meals, and using sunscreen. Your body will thank you for these actions, regardless of the risk of oral cancer.

Also, it’s a very treatable disease. American Cancer Society statistics show that the 5-year relative survival rate for localized stage oral cancer is 83%. Radiation therapy is the most common method, although chemotherapy is occasionally used as well.

But early detection is your best defense, and another reason that regular dental visits are so important. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We want you – and your mouth – to be as healthy as possible.

Eating for Healthy Teeth

Nutrition for healthy teethDental health isn’t only about keeping your teeth clean and having regular checkups. (Although those two things are really important.) You might be surprised how important your diet is to maintaining good oral health. Of course we all know that too much sugar can cause cavities, but the links between diet and teeth go much deeper than that.


The Good

Balanced nutrition is important to both your overall health and keeping your teeth healthy, but here are some specifics to consider:

  • Water – Drinking lots of water is good for you in general, and it’s good for your teeth, too. Especially if your city’s water is fluoridated, water straight from the tap can really help your teeth stay healthy.
  • Dairy – Milk, cheese, and yogurt provide calcium your teeth need to stay strong. They’re also low in sugar (unless your yogurt has added sugar—be sure to read the label!) which makes them a good overall choice.
  • Protein – Meat, poultry, fish, and eggs are rich in phosphorus and proteins that are essential for healthy enamel. (Lean options are best.) Low-carbohydrate nuts are a also great choice, since the bacteria that cause cavities need those carbs to survive.
  • Fruits & Vegetables – High-fiber, low-sugar plats are great for your teeth. Chewing these foods helps to keep your teeth clean by stimulating saliva production, and your body will thank you for the vitamins and minerals, too.
  • Grains – Whole grains are an important part of a balanced diet, and therefore they’re important for your teeth, too. Choose whole grains like oatmeal, whole wheat, and brown rice.

The Bad

Avoid sugar—particularly added sugar (even in your coffee). But beyond this first rule, here are some other foods to avoid:

  • Sticky Foods – Anything sticky can cause problems, because sticky food stays in your mouth longer, giving bacteria time to multiply with a ready food source. Be sure to brush after eating anything sticky—even healthier foods like dried fruits.
  • Soda & Sports Drinks – Drink water instead of sugary drinks. Many sports drinks are surprisingly high in sugar, and soda certainly is. Break the habit and switch to plain water. Your teeth (and your waistline) will thank you for it.
  • Starches – Crispy snacks like chips are delicious, but those starches tend to get caught in teeth, again giving cavity-causing bacteria time to grow. Don’t indulge too often, and remember to floss thoroughly to be sure you don’t leave anything behind.
  • Citrus – Although high in vitamin C, citrus fruits are also very acidic, and regular exposure to that acid can erode enamel and make your teeth vulnerable to decay. Drinking lots of water when eating citrus can help mitigate the risks.
  • Ice – Cold drinks are great, but chewing ice is really hard on your teeth. The combination of cold and stress from biting into such a hard substance can damage enamel, and even crack or break teeth in some cases.