Meyer & Johns Dental Blog

Advice and Education on Your Dental Health


Dental Anxiety? Have no fear!

dental anxiety


We’ve told you about Bruxism (teeth-grinding) and the broader effects of TMJ, but there’s another type of anxiety that can have unwanted impacts on your mouth. Dental fear or phobia is a very real condition. Between 10 to 15 percent of Americans experience some level of dental anxiety, according to an article on In another study, one-third of adults who didn’t regularly see a dentist were skipping due to fear.

Fear is usually an irrational reaction that can be managed. But in the case of dental anxiety the consequences can be serious. Even those who brush and floss regularly may miss the early formation of cavities, which can lead to root canals if left untreated. Many of the periodontal diseases we’ve told you about have early warning signs that only our trained dentists and hygienists can spot. While they can be serious, these conditions are often easily prevented – but only if you know you have one (or more!) of them.

Signs of Stress

Recognizing that you have dental anxiety is fairly simple. Answering the following questions can help identify an unwarranted fear.

Do you:

  •   Feel uneasy, nervous, or sick to your stomach before your appointment?
  •   Have trouble sleeping the night before?
  •   Feel embarrassed to have someone looking closely at your teeth?
  •   Worry what problems your dentist might discover?
  •   Avoid seeing a dentist, maybe even for years between visits?


We Can Help

All of these situations are common for people who have some degree of dental anxiety. The first step is to talk to us about it. Whether on the phone, through a secure web message, or even in-person, we will do whatever it takes to make you confortable before you set an appointment. We have a variety of options for managing your fear, up to and including nitrous oxide and/or a mild sedative.

At Meyer & Johns Dental, we believe that your oral health is too important to ignore – whatever the reason. Connect with us today to start down the path of easing your dental anxiety, and getting back on track to a healthy mouth!

Focus on Kids’ Healthy Smiles!

Children's Dental Health Month

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. To celebrate the American Dental Association is encouraging good brushing habits activity and coloring pages, including a downloadable Brushing Calendar to help your little ones track the good habits they are developing.

We talk about it every year, but lifelong habits start early. The following guidelines can help parents make sure kids’ brushing habits are on track:

Babies – Under 1 Year

Babies don’t usually get their first teeth until around eight months, but they still need a clean mouth! Gently cleaning gums with a soft cloth, gauze, or a super-soft fingertip baby toothbrush can help remove food particles. But don’t press too hard – a very light pressure will keep from irritating sensitive gums.


Toddlers – 1 to 2 Years

When baby’s first tooth erupts, it’s time to begin to use a toddler-sized toothbrush for cleaning their mouth. Look for a brush that has very soft, rounded bristles that easily fits in their little mouth. As soon as they have more than one tooth and the teeth edges touch, you can begin using wide, flat floss. Again, make sure to only apply gentle pressure while cleaning all sides of the tooth. Making oral hygiene part of their regular bedtime routine is the first step in a lifetime’s good habits.


Preschoolers – 2 to 4 years

As their independence, mobility, and language begin to develop, so will their teeth. They’ll already be familiar with brushing and flossing, and the next step is brushing for themselves. You should tart by empowering them them to choose their own toothbrush. Making a big decision for themselves will excite them, and they’ll have their pick from a huge array of cartoon characters, TV show themes, and movie heroes. You will, however, need to make sure they’re choosing one that fits easily in their mouth and has soft bristles to protect their gums. Since they lack hand dexterity at this age, their toothbrushes are shorter and equipped with larger handles. You should still be supervising their brushing at this stage.


School-aged Children – 5 to 8 years

At this age, a good brushing routine and technique should be established. They’ll need to upgrade to a longer-necked brush with a larger head that still fits comfortably in their mouth while brushing. And they’ll still be choosing a style with bright colors and familiar characters. At this stage they can begin flossing on their own, but again with supervision. By the time they’re in 2ndor 3rdgrade, they should be able to brush and floss independently.


Beyond basic hygiene, dentist visits are something that should also begin at a young age. If your baby has older siblings, it’s a perfect time to get them used to the idea of visiting Meyer & Johns twice a year. We can do a pretend “Mouth Check” of toddlers, even if they don’t have enough teeth to clean! If haven’t already introduced your child to our friendly office staff, bring them to your next appointment.

Make a Confident Resolution

Why not make a New You Resolution?

January 1st is right around the corner, and if you’re like almost half of all adult Americans, you’ll make some type of New Year’s resolution. But do you know Why we make them?


Similar Goals, Many Traditions

The earliest recorded instances of New Year’s resolutions came from ancient Babylonians. As far back as 2,000 B.C., they made annual promises to their gods that they would return things they had borrowed and strive to repay their debts in the coming year. Also according to The Economist, Ancient Romans continued the practice by offering yearly penitence and promise to their gods at the change of the calendar. Much later, medieval knights re-affirmed their commitment to chivalry for the coming year with the Peacock Vows, taken at the end of each Christmas season.

Today, we Americans have our own take on the tradition. Each year, more than 40% of us make a New Year’s commitment, according to a 2018 Washington Post article. We resolve to eat healthier, lose weight, exercise more, drink less, quit smoking, stop binging reality TV shows all.weekend. long…  You know the drill. And predictably, nearly 80% of us fail our own challenge within a few weeks. Of those of us still on track in February, only around one out of every 12 people will see the year through while sticking to our resolution.

But what if your New Year’s intention had nothing to do with depriving yourself, and was focused on getting the most out of yourself?


What’s Possible with Veneers

Veneers are thin coverings that can be matched to your natural tooth color.

When we think of positive self-image, the single element that is most common is a smile. And if yours is something that you consciously try to hide, you are holding yourself back. Why not make 2019 the year that people remember you most clearly as smiling and confident?

If you have damaged, crooked, or discolored teeth, veneers may be the best option for getting your smile back. Could 2019 be the Year of the New You? Ask us at your next appointment, or contact us to meet with our Meyer & Johns smile experts and discuss the possibilities.



Dental Sealants

Like weatherproofing, dental sealants lock out harmful substances.


We know that we go on and on about tooth care… it’s kind of in our job description. But what if your kids’ brushing routines are on point, and they’re still getting cavities — even sometimes multiples during a single checkup? If you have taken the right dietary steps, and are 100% confident that they’re brushing properly and often, your kids’ cavities might not be entirely their fault.

Just like faces and bodies and personalities, each set of teeth is unique to its owner. We all have common tooth features, but sometimes the natural contours on teeth can cause problems. In some children and adults, the pits and fissures on the chewing surfaces of back teeth are especially deep or irregularly shaped. Food, plaque, and other cavity-causing substances gather in these nooks and crannies, thwarting even the most diligent brushing attempts.

Sealants to the Rescue

The good news is that there’s an option other than simply filling in the cavities as they occur. Around since the 1960’s, dental sealants have gained popularity in recent years for adding a protective layer to teeth and preventing decay. The treatment is simple, painless and performed in our offices. It consists of painting a thin plastic coating on chewing surfaces of the molars and pre-molars. The sealant is then hardened with ultraviolet light, much like modern fillings. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, sealants are recommended for children between the ages of 6 -12, and the treatment can remain effective for up to 10 years. Even small cavities that existed before treatment will not spread, since the sealant cuts off the source of decay.

Debunking BPA Concerns

In recent years dental sealants have come into question for containing Bisphenol A (BPA). It is widely used in consumer packaging, as well as plastic water bottles, canned foods, pacifiers, cash register tape, and many other products. BPA is present in most U.S. residents, its effects on overall health have yet to be conclusively determined. And while dental sealants do contain traces of BPA, the levels are far lower than other common areas of exposure. In fact, according to the ADA, exposure from breathing normal everyday air is 100 times higher than standard dental sealants.

Even more good news – if Drs. Meyer or Johns determine it would reduce cavities, dental insurance is likely to cover the treatment cost. Along with a fluoride-based toothpaste and good brushing habits, sealants provide a One-Two punch that prevents nearly all tooth decay.

If you have a question about sealants for your child, ask us at their next appointment.